Establishing your alfalfa stand this fall

This fall is the perfect time to get your alfalfa into the ground and establish a solid stand for next year. With the wet conditions that have hit our region throughout the summer, the soil has more than enough moisture to help your fall seeded alfalfa thrive.  

Planting your alfalfa in the fall allows your crop to flourish with less weed competition, better seedling establishment, and less insect pressure. The ideal time to plant your alfalfa in the fall is anytime between mid-August and mid-September. Planting into a clean, weed free seed bed and making sure there is no residual herbicide will help ensure your alfalfa can thrive. See our guide for herbicide restrictions when planting alfalfa to make sure your acres are ready to be planted.  

Choosing a winter-hardy alfalfa can also help you establish a high-yielding stand for the following year. Renovo Seed’s exclusive alfalfa varieties are hand-selected by our experts so that you have only the best of the best for your fields. 

Final Answer is a variety that is extremely high-yielding and disease resistant. It’s a great solution across a wide range of acres and has an excellent seeding rate and winter hardiness score. 

SalinityMax is also a great option for acres with high alkalinity or saline content. It’s a salt tolerant variety of alfalfa that has both a tap and a branch root, making it more moisture tolerant than other tap root varieties. This presents a great opportunity to increase productivity on otherwise unproductive acres. Great yield and disease resistance make SalinityMax a complete package for alfalfa growers. 

AlfaGrass mixtures can also be a great option for producers who are looking to establish an alfalfa stand but with a little bit more diversity and forage quality. Incorporating grass into your stand increases digestibility, palatability, disease resistance, and decreases dry down time. The Stockman is a top performing Alfalfa/Grass mixture with huge popularity among hay and livestock producers. We blend our highest yielding alfalfa – Final Answer – with late maturing orchardgrass and tall forage fescue. These two grasses offer high forage yield and quality that pairs well with alfalfa.  

For more options use our alfalfa seed selector tool to find the variety or AlfaGrass mixture that’s best for your acres.  



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